Binary data fetching through SQLi
Posted on February 23, 2009 in Research • 5 min read
Table of contents
1. Introduction
Exploiting a SQL injection flaw in a web application can give the attacker full control of the remote DBMS. One of the major consequences of exploiting consists in fetching all or part of the data stored in the database.
In several cases, like a web application that stores images on the database, the attacker has to deal with binary data.
Follows some techniques to fetch binary data via a SQL injection flaw.
2. How BLOB storage works
According to Wikipedia a BLOB[1] is:
A binary large object, also known as a blob, is a collection of binary data stored as a single entity in a database management system. Blobs are typically images, audio or other multimedia objects, though sometimes binary executable code is stored as a blob. Database support for blobs is not universal.
Blobs were originally just amorphous chunks of data invented by Jim Starkey at DEC, who describes them as “the thing that ate Cincinnati, Cleveland, or whatever”. Later, Terry McKiever, a marketing person for Apollo felt that it needed to be an acronym and invented the backronym Basic Large Object. Then Informix invented an alternative backronym, Binary Large Object. Today many people believe that blob was originally intended as an acronym for something.
The BLOB data can be stored in the DBMS tables or as usual file system files linked by a pointer in the data table. The BLOB storage engine is built with one or a combination of these techniques to get the best performances.
The BLOB storage is handled by the DBMS engine that provides high level SQL statement to the user.
3. Casting Binary data
The idea behind the hack is to cast the BLOB data to another data-type that can be fetched via SQLi. For example: cast a BLOB to a string containing the BLOB encoded in base64, so we can use a string representation of binary object that acts as middleware to fetch data over any type of SQL injection.
As far as I know there are no public automatic SQL injection tools that can fetch binary data from a vulnerable web application.
3.1 MySQL
In MySQL SQL syntax the function HEX()[2] can be used to get the hexadecimal value of one field of any data-type. The function HEX(`foo`) returns a string representation of the hexadecimal value of foo, where foo is a binary large object (BLOB). So we can cast a binary data-type to a string data-type.
For example the following SQL statement returns the hexadecimal value of the binary object stored in the field named blob:
SELECT HEX(`blob`) FROM footable;
Now we can use the hexadecimal BLOB representation to fetch data from binary (BLOB) fields using the standard techniques to fetch data via SQL injection or blind SQL injection.
Using HEX() we can deal a BLOB as a text string and use the common techniques and tools.
Once we have fetched the binary data encoded as hexadecimal, we have to restore the original binary data out of it. We can use the SQL UNHEX() function, that get a hexadecimal string and outputs a BLOB object, a command line utility or a few lines in you favorite programming language can do the trick.
This is the easy way to get a textual representation of BLOB under MySQL, the HEX() function is supported from MySQL 4.1.
4.2 PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL can not store values of more than several thousands bytes within any data-type except large objects, nor can binary data be easily entered within single quotes. Instead, large objects (BLOB) are used to store very large values and binary data.
BLOB permits storage of any operating system file, including images or large text files, directly into the database.
As you can see in the DBMS data-type comparison sheet[3] PostgreSQL stores BLOB data in a data-type called OID that acts like a pointer to the stored object on the file system.
For example using the psql client from command line you can load the file into the database using lo_import(), and retrieve it from the database using lo_export() which works only for local files[4].
postgres=# CREATE TABLE foo (image OID);
postgres=# INSERT INTO foo VALUES (lo_import('/tmp/bar.jpg'));
The lo_import() function stores /tmp/bar.jpg into the database. The function call returns an OID that is used to refer the imported large object. This value is stored in foo.image as an integer.
If you want to read the foo.image value the lo_export() function uses the OID value to find the large object stored in the database, then places the exported file into the output file.
Full path names must be used with large objects because the database server runs in a different directory than the psql client. Files are imported and exported by the postgres user, so postgres must have permission to read the file for lo_import() and directory write permission for lo_export().
There are others functions to manage large objects (BLOB) available under PostreSQL[5].
Because large objects uses the local filesystem, users connecting over a network can not use lo_import() or lo_export(). They can, however, use psql’s \lo_import and \lo_export commands.
If we are exploiting a SQL injection in a web application we can’t use the functions lo_import() and lo_export() but we need a way to get the juice data on the vulnerable server.
From PostgreSQL documentation “String Functions and Operators”[6] we catch the function ENCODE(data bytea, type text).
This function encodes binary data to an ASCII-only representation. The supported types are: base64, hex, escape.
Now we have the function to convert a bytea data-type into a base64 or hex string. We need only to convert the BLOB OID in a bytea.
The fastest way to do this is a two step recipe: first get the number of OID that you need and after quering the system table pg_largeobject.
postgres=# SELECT image FROM foo;
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT ENCODE(data, 'base64') FROM pg_largeobject WHERE LOID=16387;
(1263 rows)
Now you get your goal and you can fetch a BLOB on PostgreSQL with only two queries.
For further details on PostgreSQL BLOB functions you can refer to “SQLi: Writing files to disk under PostgreSQL”[7].
3.3 SQL Server
SQL Server stores binary data in the following data-types: BINARY, VARBINARY, IMAGE.
You can create a demo table for your test with:
image image NULL
You can insert the file foo.bmp with the following:
INSERT INTO [tempdb].[dbo].[foo]
The binary data can be converted to a hex string injecting a stored procedure in SQL Server. This is described in Microsoft kb104829[8].
create procedure sp_hexadecimal
@binvalue varbinary(255)
declare @charvalue varchar(255)
declare @i int
declare @length int
declare @hexstring char(16)
select @charvalue = '0x'
select @i = 1
select @length = datalength(@binvalue)
select @hexstring = "0123456789abcdef"
while (@i <= @length)
declare @tempint int
declare @firstint int
declare @secondint int
select @tempint = convert(int, substring(@binvalue,@i,1))
select @firstint = floor(@tempint16)
select @secondint = @tempint - (@firstint*16)
select @charvalue = @charvalue +
substring(@hexstring, @firstint+1, 1) +
substring(@hexstring, @secondint+1, 1)
select @i = @i + 1
select 'sp_hexadecimal'=@charvalue
3.4 Other DBMS
The same technique can be used in any other DBMS like Oracle, DB2, Informix that have casting functions or BLOB conversion functions.